Menu bar

The CASH menu bar includes several menus. Some menu options are associated with icons and are accessible via the toolbar. Individual menu items are explained below.

The File menu

Menu Item Function
Save Saves changes to the active document.
Save a copy Saves a copy of the active document.
Save all Saves changes to all open documents.
Close Closes the active document.
Import Opens the Document Import options.
Export Opens the Document Export options.
Exit Closes the Application Window.

 The Edit menu

Menu Item Function
Cut Cuts the selection and stores it in the clipboard.
Copy Copies the selection and stores it in the clipboard.
Paste Pastes the selection from the clipboard to the place where the cursor is.
Copy From Copies CASH items from one place in the hierarchy to another.
Move From Moves CASH items from one place in the hierarchy to another.
Delete Deletes the selection.
Select all Selects all available items.

The View menu

Menu Item Function
Monthly Displays the data on the monthly basis.
Quarterly Displays the data on the quarterly basis.
Semiannually Displays the data on the semiannual basis.
Annually Displays the data on the annual basis.
Unit System Sets the unit measurement system (Imperial, Metric or Continental).
Dock Panes Displays or hides window panes.
Toolbars Adds or removes individual toolbars from the toolbar.

The Economics menu

Menu Item Function
New Result Set Creates a new Result Set.
New From Creates a copy of a Result Set.
Run Reports Opens the Result Set reporting window.

The Tools menu

The contents of this menu change according to the user's permissions and application settings.

The Window menu

Menu Item Function
Tile Horizontally Arranges documents horizontally.
Tile Vertically Arranges documents vertically.
Cascade Places document windows on top of one another.
Arrange Icons Arranges open document windows into a grid.

The Help menu

Menu Item Function
Search Opens the Search tab of the CASH User Manual.
Contents Opens the table of contents of the CASH User Manual.
License Manager Opens the License Manager window (see The License Manager window).
Plug-ins Opens the Registered Plug-ins window.
Email Diagnostic Information Opens a window where you can send an email to Support if you encounter any problems.
About Displays information about the current installed version of CASH.